8,9 & 10 August 2024

KragDag is the proud organizers of the Mega-T Expo

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MEGA-T is die nuwe buitelug vragmotor, sleepwa en vervoer-ekspo in Suid-Africa, wat vir die eerste keer van 6 tot 7 Oktober 2022 aangebied word deur die organiseerders van π‘²π’“π’‚π’ˆπ‘«π’‚π’ˆ en aangedryf word deur 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑹𝒐𝒂𝒅 π‘­π’“π’†π’Šπ’ˆπ’‰π’• π‘¨π’”π’”π’π’„π’Šπ’‚π’•π’Šπ’π’.
Die geleentheid sal by die Diamantvallei Landgoed-skougronde, 20 km oos van Pretoria, plaasvind.

Die Mega-T-ekspo sal dien as ‘n platform vir die plaaslike en nasionale vragmotorgemeenskap om te netwerk, nuwe, innoverende tegnologie te vertoon en met verskaffers te skakel en sake-idees uit te ruil.
Dit is ‘n geweldige geleentheid vir gevestigde besighede in die bedryf om produkte en dienste ten toon te stel en hul nismark te ontmoet.

KategorieΓ« sluit in, maar is nie beperk nie tot, Vragmotors en Sleepwaens, Opsporing en Sekuriteit, Onderdele en Instandhouding, Finansiering en Versekering, Navigasie- en Vlootbestuur en Hervullingstelsels.

Die Mega-T-ekspo sal ‘n prettige vragmotorvertoning vir die hele gesin wees, met aktiwiteite vir oud en jonk, ‘n biertuin, bande-omdraai en die Big Rig.

Mega-T, β€˜n opwindende nuwe opelug-ekspo, is die eenstop-industriegeleentheid wat alles oor sleepwaens, vragmotors en vervoer gaan – en alles wat daarmee verband hou! Die geleentheid, wat vir die eerste keer van 6 tot 7 Oktober 2022 by die Diamantvallei Landgoed-skougronde, 20 km oos van Pretoria, plaasvind, word deur die organiseerders van KragDag aangebied en aangedryf deur die Road Freight Association (RFA).

Die Mega-T-ekspo, wat tydens vervoermaand plaasvind, sal dien as β€˜n platform vir die plaaslike en nasionale vervoergemeenskap om te netwerk, nuwe en innoverende tegnologieΓ« te vertoon, met verskaffers en diensverskaffers te skakel, en sake-idees uit te ruil. KategorieΓ« op die skou sluit in vragmotors en sleepwaens, opsporing en sekuriteit, onderdele en instandhouding, finansiering en versekering, navigasie- en vlootbestuur, komponente, handelsmerk en media, bande, brandstofstelsels – en meer!

Die Mega-T-ekspo sal β€˜n prettige vragmotorskou vir die hele gesin wees, met aktiwiteite vir oud en jonk. β€˜n Paar indrukwekkende en spoggerige American Big Rigs sal te sien wees, met vergunning van Impala Trucks. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Sterkmanunie se topvyf junior en senior atlete sal hul rou krag demonstreer deur vragmotors te trek en swaar voorwerpe op te lig.


The Mega-T expo will once again serve as a platform for the local and national trucking community to network, showcase new, innovative technology, connect with suppliers, exchange business ideas and meet their niche market. The event will feature a wide range of categories such as trucks and trailers, tracking and security, parts and maintenance, financing and insurance, navigation and fleet management, and refueling systems.

Furthermore, the Mega-T expo will be a fun-filled trucking show for the whole family with activities designed for both young and old, including a beer garden, Mega-T MAN vs MACHINE, and the Big Rig.

We look forward to welcoming everyone to yet another successful edition of MEGA-T.


TheΒ Mega-TΒ expo will once again serve as a platform for the local and national trucking community to network, showcase new, innovative technology, connect with suppliers, exchange business ideas and meet their niche market. The event will feature a wide range of categories such as trucks and trailers, tracking and security, parts and maintenance, financing and insurance, navigation and fleet management, and refueling systems.

Furthermore, theΒ Mega-TΒ expo will be a fun-filled trucking show for the whole family with activities designed for both young and old, including a beer garden, tyre-flipping, and the Big Rig.

We look forward to welcoming everyone to yet another successful edition ofΒ MEGA-T.

The Mega-T 2024 Expo, taking place from 4 – 5 October 2024 on the Diamantvallei Landgoed, east of Pretoria, is a highlight of Transport Month 2024. This event focuses on the various facets of trucks, trailers, and transportation.

But why is the Mega-T Expo so crucial?

Firstly, the Mega-T Expo is designed to stimulate and support the economy. By highlighting the transportation industry, we aim to positively impact livelihoods, wealth creation and prosperity by promoting the sector and fostering new business opportunities.

Secondly, the Mega-T Expo serves as a beacon of hope for the industry. It provides a platform for carriers, truck drivers, and other industry stakeholders to share ideas and solutions. It’s an opportunity to establish new collaborations and partnerships that can guide the industry towards a positive trajectory.

Moreover, the Mega-T Expo encourages and supports an united front against the challenges faced by truck drivers in South Africa and Africa. The industry grapples with several issues, including personnel and labour problems, safety concerns, poor road conditions, and the continuous increase in operating costs. This expo offers a platform to discuss these issues and find potential free market solutions for the industry and the economy.


The Mega-T Expo is more than just an event; it’s a celebration of the transportation industry. It brings together all stakeholders in an environment that mirrors the passion and commitment of truck drivers and transport business owners alike. It’s an opportunity to discuss long-awaited changes at the borders, envision a better future for the industry and state proof the economy.

So, what can you expect from Mega-T 2024?

  • Friday, 4 October, will feature commercial exhibitions and presentations.
  • Saturday, 5 October, will be a trucking festival with performances by strongmen and singers to create a lively atmosphere.

Additionally, there will be a focus on truck driving experiences and big rigs. For those who admire beautiful trucks, there will be a Show and Shine competition to honor the best trucks in the industry.

In conclusion, the Mega-T Expo is not just an event; it’s a celebration of the transportation industry, a platform for solutions, and a glimpse into a bright and hopeful future for the industry. We invite everyone to join us and participate in this unique opportunity.

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